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Asheville Quilt Guild

Our mission is to preserve and advance the tradition and art of quilting


New Membership Application

Follow the prompts below by filling in the required information and clicking NEXT.  Be sure to complete the entire process as exiting the system early will pend your application and your membership will not be active until payment is received.  Junior memberships require you to enter your birthdate and the Sponsor Member's Name.  For Junior memberships only, someone will review your application after your payment is processed and approve your membership. 

Membership renews March 1st of each year.

Dues for any new member joining between August 1st and December 31st will be prorated. For example, a member who joins in August will pay 7/12 of the annual dues amount calculated as follows: $40/12 x 7 = $23.33.

Any new member joining on or after January 1st will pay the full dues amount since their membership will begin immediately and run through February of the second calendar year (e.g., if they join in January of 2025, their membership will run through February of 2026). 

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Asheville Quilt Guild
PO Box 412
Asheville, NC 28802

© Copyright- Asheville Quilt Guild | All Rights Reserved

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