Guild Friends Event
Saturday, April 5, 2025
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: East Asheville Library - Community Rm B, 3 Avon Road, Asheville, NC 28805
Registration is open for our Guild Friends Event on April 5th. Any member who would like to learn more specifics about the guild is invited to attend. Meet our President, Linda Lutz, hear how you can be involved in our fabulous quilt show from Shelli Yanik, Quilt Show Chair, and also meet NancyLynn Sharpless, chair of Community Quilts. Find out how you can fit into the guild and benefit to the fullest from what the guild has to offer. Make friends with those who are like minded quilters. It will be a fine afternoon -- come and be a part of it!
Registration closes on Thursday, April 3. Space is limited to 20 people so register soon!
Note: If you should need to cancel after registering, please contact Marcia Salansky.