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Asheville Quilt Guild

Our mission is to preserve and advance the tradition and art of quilting



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    • 02/18/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • AB Tech Ivy Building, 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801

    The Ways and Means Committee invites you to attend the annual Stash Busters and Silent Auction as part of the February Meeting.  It is a great way to increase your own supplies and maybe pick up a special quilty something that you have been dreaming of!  Proceeds from this sale benefits the Guild's operations budget for the coming year.

    PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION!  The conference center at AB Tech is still not ready for use so we are in the Ivy Bldg.  It is much smaller than the conference center so we will have to adapt to that.  We will have only a short meeting at 10:00 before browsing and buying can resume.  There will not be a show and tell at this meeting.  

    • 02/27/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Stephens-Lee Community Center, 30 George Washington Carver Ave., Asheville, NC
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Working with Fence Rail

    Learn techniques to make a pieced quilt top worthy of any judge's eye. You will learn how to prepare your fabric and cut it with precision. Then you will learn how to sew the strips together precisely and cut them into blocks.  The blocks will be assembled in a way that guarantees a flat quilt top.  NancyLynn will guide you through these steps using your own equipment and fabric.  This class is designed for advanced beginners.

    Supply list can be found at: Materials Supply List Precision Construction.pdf

    • 03/18/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • AB Tech Ivy Bldg, 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801

    We have a new program! 

    Since the Quilt Show for 2024 had to be cancelled, no on has gotten the chance to view the quilts our members submitted for show.  Please bring the quilts you had submitted to the Quilt Show to this meeting and be prepared to show us your handiwork.  We will not be able to display them as we would have in the quilt show but we will show them as we do with the Show and Tell portion of our meeting.  I am sorry but participation in this showing will be limited to Guild members only although anyone can attend the program.  There will not be a general show and tell for this meeting.

    REMINDER:   Due to continuing construction at the AB Tech Conference Center, we will hold this meeting at The Ivy Bldg.

    • 03/19/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • AB Tech Ivy Bldg, 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28803

    Please join us for our second annual Spring Sit and Sew Day.  Have you ever wanted to spend an entire day sewing on a project with no distractions or interruptions?  Would you like to spend the day with other like-minded quilters?  Well this workshop is for you!  Bring your machines and any quilty-related project which you would like to work on for a day of sewing and comraderie.  We held this workshop last year and all the attendees enjoyed it very much.  We will have a 30 minute break for lunch around mid-day so bring something to eat and drink and join us!

    Please note that this workshop will be held at our new site, Ivy Bldg. on the AB Tech Campus.  Driving directions are on the Guild's website and computer assisted mappping will bring you there too.

    We will no longer be able to offer coffee and water.  You may bring your own if you like.

    Registration for Guild members will begin January 18, 2025

    Registration for non-members will begin February 16, 2025

    • 04/15/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • AB Tech Conference Center 16 Fernihurst Drive, Asheville, NC 28803


    • 04/16/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • AB Tech Ivy Bldg, 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801
    • 20

    Please join us for a colorful and fun workshop led by Beth Helfter of Eva Paige Designs.  Using the HST cutting technhique which she will teach in this workshop, the Carpenter's Apprentice Quilt is a beautiful pattern which will brighten your home for years to come.

    Please note, you are expected to have your cutting done prior to class.  The instructions for cutting and the materials list can be found in the link at the bottom of this page.  You will also have to purchase the pattern from Beth at the workshop or you can order it directly from her website.  Those instructions are also in the link below.

    Please remember that we will be meeting in our new location in Ivy Bldg. on the AB Tech Campus.  Driving directions are on the Guild's website and computerized mapping will also bring you there.

    We will have a 30 minute break for lunch, so please bring your own lunch and drinks.  We cannot offer coffee and water at this site but you may certainly bring your own.

    Here is the link to the materials supply list and the cutting instructions.  Please have all your fabric prepared and cut prior to class.

    Carpenters Apprentice class supply list and cutting master.pdf

    Registration for members will begin on February 15, 2025

    Registration for non-members will begin on March 17, 2025


Asheville Quilt Guild
PO Box 412
Asheville, NC 28802

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