Asheville Quilt Guild
Our mission is to preserve and advance the tradition and art of quilting
The Ways and Means Committee invites you to attend the annual Stash Busters and Silent Auction as part of the February Meeting. It is a great way to increase your own supplies and maybe pick up a special quilty something that you have been dreaming of! Proceeds from this sale benefits the Guild's operations budget for the coming year.
PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! The conference center at AB Tech is still not ready for use so we are in the Ivy Bldg. It is much smaller than the conference center so we will have to adapt to that. We will have only a short meeting at 10:00 before browsing and buying can resume. There will not be a show and tell at this meeting.
Asheville Quilt Guild PO Box 412 Asheville, NC 28802
© Copyright- Asheville Quilt Guild | All Rights Reserved