Asheville Quilt Guild
Our mission is to preserve and advance the tradition and art of quilting
NTNT FPP No Tear, No Tear Foundation Paper Piecing A different take on foundation paper piecing. (Formerly known as Foundation-less Piecing): Using freezer paper as your pattern to create accurate points and seams. - No more tearing off paper- Reusable patterns pieces,- Accuracy (worth mentioning again)! -Pressing in the direction you want - And even more advantages With my method of Foundation Paper Piecing (NTNT FPP) those perfect points, arcs and spires are conquered. And best of all, with this technique you won’t be sewing through the paper, so there is no fighting to tear off the paper in the end, and the pattern is reuseable. We’ll take a look at color options and how to use lots of color or just a little color. Then we’ll use the NTNT FPP technique to sew your block. From there we’ll explore the variations in the pattern and each quilt block will be an original. This is a great technique to add to your toolbox. Foundation Paper Piecing using my NTNT FPP method makes some seemingly impossible blocks possible and fun.
Pattern Fee: $10.00
Please remember to bring your own drinks. We will have a 30 minute break for lunch so please bring that too!
Registration for Members will begin May 16, 2025
Registration for Non-Members will begin June 16, 2025
Asheville Quilt Guild PO Box 412 Asheville, NC 28802
© Copyright- Asheville Quilt Guild | All Rights Reserved