Asheville Quilt Guild
Our mission is to preserve and advance the tradition and art of quilting
Do you have 2 hours a day to share your love of quilting with children? Then this opportunity is for you. We are looking for 5 volunteers a day to work with the 3rd grade students at Ira B. Jones Elementary School from Monday, April 28th through Thursday May 8th. (Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday each week from 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm)
You can sign up to volunteer through the link below.
Sign up for Kids Sewing
The first week the students will be making a small pillow they will take home. The second week they will be making blocks for an Immigration Quilt that will hang in the School.
All supplies will be provided so no need to bring anything. You are welcome to sign up for just one session or all 8 -- whatever you can manage will be appreciated.
Many thanks for considering volunteering for this fun and rewarding opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Lou Boise at either or 585-216-7442.
Donna Johnston
Guild Projects Chair
Asheville Quilt Guild PO Box 412 Asheville, NC 28802
© Copyright- Asheville Quilt Guild | All Rights Reserved